Childhood Obesity
Please don’t read this article if you are easily offended. It is just the opinion of our new writer.
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No, we are not talking about a child with a genetic disorder that causes this problem.
Why is your child obese? Is it the supermarkets? Fast Food Chains? Shugary Fizzy Drinks? Or Mrs flippy floppy ploppy biscuit company?
Well, walk up and smell the coffee. Elvis has entered the building. No, it’s you, the parents. You are to blame.
We have all heard the lame excuses playing down the fact your children are over overweight. Oh, it’s just a bit of puppy fat. They didn’t do well on the school sports day. They are more academic children, not athletes.
Not really into playing sports. They’re not very competitive.
Oh, they are only a little overweight. Ring any bells?
Come on, wake up and look in the mirror. It is you causing the problem. If you are grossly overweight, chances are your children are too, and only you can make the changes to solve the problem.
Health Problems
An overweight child is far more likely to have health problems both
now and in later life.
1. Type 2 diabetes
2. Certain Types of Cancer
3. Digestive problems
4. Sleep apnea
5. Breathing problems, Lungs not adequately developed.
6. Hart Diseases like Blocked Arteries
7. Being overweight means you are more likely to Die Young,
8. Osteoarthritis. Obesity increases the stress placed on the joints and can cause inflammation within the body. This may lead to things such as osteoarthritis.
9. Mental Health, your children, are being bullied because they are overweight. Low self-esteem, depression. I could go on and on. These are just some side effects of obesity in both adults and children.
Things You Must Do To Solve The Obesity Problem
This is the most important thing you must do. First, stop making excuses and admit you are the problem. Once you do this, you are already on the road to recovery.
Come up with a plan of action and stick to it. I have listed some of the things you should consider when making your plan.
Make sure you address your and your children’s diet in the plan and incorporate five-a-day fruit and vegetables.
If your kids don’t like vegetables, there are sneaky ways to add them to their diet, like liquidising them and adding them to stews, spaghetti bolognese, or even homemade ice cream. Don’t overdo it, and they will never notice!
Cut out surgery drinks and opt for low-sugar alternatives. Put lower-fat and low-carb dishes on the menu.
Only give your children treats one day of the week, such as sweats chocolate crisps. Opt for more healthy snacks during the week. Cut out high-fat desserts. There are many low-fat alternatives on the market.
Physical exercise is more important than academic achievement. Set up a proper exercise plan for you and your kids.
You might consider joining your local sports centre as a family and going at least twice a week and all of you doing a well-planned workout also, see what other sports activities your local sports centre has to offer.
Check out the local youth football and rugby teams, or if contact sports are not your bag, what about junior golf or cricket?
Make sure YOU, if not medically prohibited, and your Children have at least 30 minutes of cardiovascular exercise at least three times a week. This will build up stamina, energy levels, and the cardiovascular system essential for your children’s development.
Not every family has the space for outdoor football or other outdoor games. The alternative could be an indoor running machine or peddle cycle, which you can use indoors if the weather is terrible.
TIP, don’t let your kids use their game consoles until they have done their exercises.
TIP Never give in to your kid’s demands. Be firm.
If your children are going to school and not tutored at home, make sure you opt them in for any physical education programs that might be on offer.
Don’t just sit or stand there like zombies when doing activities with your children or going to a panto or sporting event. Show enthusiasm. It rubs off on your children.
Boy Scouts
One good way of getting your children active is the boy scouts, which is a good way for them to learn new social skills that they might not be getting if being tutored at home.
Final word
Never get lazy, and go back to your old ways. It is a downhill slope (STICK TO THE PLAN)
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